
þriðjudagur, maí 17, 2005

Getraun dagsins

Ég hef áður bloggað um plötuna "Undir áhrifum" með Trúbrot. Hér kemur uppáhaldstextinn minn af þeirri plötu. Spurt er: Hvað er óvenjulegt við þennan texta?

In the Country

I was born in the promised land
many moons ago
my father named me C.O.P.
I never liked that name.

I lived in a concrete jungle
on the nineteenth floor.
The house had no elevator
hardly any stairs.

It was a big house in a big city
a big house in a big city
big country in a small world.

Now I wanna live in the country
where the grass is green
and the air is clean
og sólin skín, all day long.
That's where I wanna be.

I got so tired, of the empty city life,
I left the streets, left the noise,
left the smokie sky, and bought ahouse in the country.

Lived in country for twenty years
watched the city grow.
It's getting closer to my farm
I feel that nineteenth floor
in the big house in the big city.


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